徐芳 /国防科大国际关系学院某教研室主任
Many people have made their views on study, in which one of the most instructive and comprehensive articles is Francis Bacon's Of Study. It introduces the functions of study and how to read effectively to improve personal characters. As a yardstick to the interpretations of study, the essay has been widely quoted and used by people. However, contradictory to the fast-developing world and the highly cultivated society, young people show less interest in study. Many examples can be read in newspapers and internet news that teenagers play truant for computer games, or that college students or postgraduates are washed out of the university because their failure in examinations or misbehavior. Study seems like a burden for students and parents are at a loss at how to instruct their kids. Inspired by Bacon, and standing from a parental point of view, I make an elaboration on how to study well from a more practical perspective, which is composed of one precondition and three core foundations.
A brand-new view on study from a broader and more extensive angle needs to be set up, which is the cornerstone of the whole essay. In the new era of modern times, since Artificial Intelligence is advancing quickly, a good learner is supposed to be one who has a comprehensive combination of many factors, including emotional perception, ability to learn, capacity to adjust the complex surrounding conditions, team work and so on, which are not all reflected by scores or marks by school exams. That explains why those perform well in various tests while conducting themselves poorly in personal management or public relations. Some, though highly intelligent, either become defiant against the rules and regulationrs, turning into criminals, or couldn't find the balance between the outside pressure and the inner world, prone to hurting himself or even committing suicide. If the achievement of happiness is the ultimate destination of life, one should realize that all the aspects which contribute to the goal should be taken into consideration in studies. Thus, study has a much wider connotation than mere reading and writing. So, parents should not just focus their attention on the results in school, because every so-called insignificant thing by the parents, if they can help one's self-growth, can be called study.
On the precondition of the updated definition of study, three basic foundations are necessary to construct effective studies. Psychologically, sense of safety is the first foundation for capable studies. According to brain science, the brain is composed of three layers: reptilian core, emotional area and cortical brain, among which, reptilian core occupies the center part of the brain and functions powerfully in instinct and existence. This part is most primary and decisive. As the middle part, the emotional area of brain, as it's called, is responsible for our different feelings and emotions. Cortical brain, the outer part of the brain, is also called thinking brain or reasoning brain in charge of the higher level of human's behavior such as study. Sense of safety is originated from the reptilian core, i.e. if one doesn't feel safe and relax, he cannot get down on what is to learn, which explains why some candidates are not able to perform as usual in important examinations because of tension and nervousness. Then, how can we obtain the sense of safety? Surveys report that games, sports and plays are useful to relax body and mind. So, if one cannot sit quietly thinking and reading, one good way is standing up and playing some physical games or sports, which is to let the reptilian core of the brain work so as to call up the cortical brain to be more attentive to what is to study.
Motivation foundation is the second element stimulating spontaneous learning. Researchers claim that there does not exist motivation genes in one's body. So there should be no kids who are born to be lack of motivation to learn. It may be opposed by many moms and dads who will exemplify how lazy and passive their kids are in face of homework with numerous facts and numbers. However, a closer inquiry may expose some more details under the surface. Anxiety and extreme care about the results of the examination makes parents neglect the demands and desires by the kids. Once they cannot be satisfied, the kids will show reluctancy and contradiction towards what they are ordered or hoped to do. And a further investigation on these kids proves who have less interest in school work finds that they are energetic and enthusiastic in other aspects such as sports, arts, cosplay, computer games, stamp collection, disassembly and assembly, so on and so forth. But regarding those as irrelevant to study, parents will not allow the kids to spend too much time on the above activities, not to mention digging out the innate laws between these things and study. So, in order to drive out the inner motivation on study, on the one hand, connect the strives and benefits of other interests with study, because they have something in common. Facts show that many Olympic champions are also excellent doctors, lawyers and even professors. On the other hand, encourage every little progress kids make in their studies, and add their positive feeling about study. Besides, help kids set up a life goal of their own,which may be of great significance. The famous epigram of "Study for the rise of the Chinese nation" by Mr. Zhou Enlai is a typical instance.
Last of all, physical health is the third foundation for an efficient study. It does not only mean a sound body, which is equally important, but also refers to an intricate integration of the overall parts of the nerves, muscles and joints. For example, if one doesn't practise crawling, climbing and stretching in his childhood, which helps training one's core muscles, when he has to keep the same sitting position for study at school age, he will quit easily because the undeveloped core muscles cannot support for a long time. Similarly, some kids are to blame for they write too slowly, which may may result from their failure of using arm muscles effeciently. Simple weight lifting every day can make the problem easier to solve, avoiding family quarrels and mom's clattering by the way.
So, only when we broaden the connotation of study, and do not merely focalize our eyes on the scores of school work, can we know that actually study is everywhere. Once we know All the alleged study problems can be traced back to the three foundations: sense of safety, motivation and physical coordination, study may be not a trouble any longer.